
Showing posts with the label Value yourself

7 Ways To Stop Taking Things Too Personally And Live A Stress-Free Life

Are you also someone who takes everything on themselves?  I mean, regardless of what the other person says, do you believe they are doing everything they can to hurt you? You believe that everything they do or say is done with the intent of making you feel bad about yourself. However, most of the time, these things aren't even about you or caused by you. So, if you are constantly putting strain on your mind and experiencing feelings of guilt or unease, you must stop. Because from today onwards you don't need to bother about everything so much. Here you will get seven easy tips that will allow you to take control over yourself, your emotions, and how you respond to the world while not taking things personally. But before we proceed further, we need to know why we take everything on ourselves which leads to emotional unrest. source: pexels Why do we take things personally? Suppose one day you went to your boss to ask something and instead of explaining to you politely, he scolded...

Are You Chasing Someone? Here's What You Need To Know

Have you ever been in a position when you know the other person does not want to talk with you but you still want to? They're implying that they don't want to be with you by their acts and behaviors, but you're not ready to accept this! You want them to call you or text you. And when they do not call or respond to your texts, you check them on all the other social media platforms. Seeing them online on Facebook or Whatsapp makes your heartache Isn't it? Trust me I know how it feels to feel abandoned, and shattered. It looks like we are the most unworthy human on this planet. We beat ourselves up. We feel guilt and shame and curse our destiny. source: pixabay It is the most pathetic thing that we all humans do (except those who love themselves). Yes, someone who is incubated with self-love  will never beg anyone to be in their lives. They won't run or chase someone because they are happy loving themselves. They are full of love and, they give love to everyone around ...

How Social Media Affects Your Health!

With the rapid advancement of technology, it has now become easier to connect with anyone from any part of the world.  Not only we can engage but can figure out every problem with just 1 click. Whatever we want to know, we instantly search it on Google or Youtube and get the desired results. It has become our best friend. More then our real friends, we spend time with our phones accessing our social media networks. We always have an urge to pick up our phones and go through our social media accounts. Whenever our phone is not with us, we get anxious to scroll through our Instagram account or Snapchat. Even if nobody texts us or there aren't any relevant notifications, still we want to see our social sites. All of these points towards addiction.  Actually, it's not the social sites that cause anxiety. It is the addiction of using social media more than a limited time per day. If you are like me who puts her phone down for a minute then again picks it up and starts scrolling all...

15 Ways To Regain Your Self Confidence

Confidence is believing in yourself and others that a person can do the work confidently. Confidence is the ability to believe that you are good to yourself (and others). It gives you immense joy when you start thinking that you are not above and not below to others. You are a unique and extraordinary person. When you change your mindset and start believing in your abilities that is when you develop self - confidence. source: Pixabay Self - confidence is far different from being egoistic or rude to others. You have confidence in yourself, in your abilities, in your belief system. You should never try to disrespect others in any way by thinking that you are above them. No one is above ourselves, except the Divine God. When you have confidence in yourself you don't seek attention from others because you accept yourself and you know what you are made of! Have you ever seen MS Dhoni telling people about his achievements? No, because he knows that if he will believe in himself, he would...

Not Forgiving Yourself Is The Key To Unhappiness

Why do we need to forgive ourselves? source: google “Forgiveness is for yourself because it frees you. It lets you out of that prison you put yourself in.” Louise Hay Forgiveness can be difficult especially when it comes to our dear ones. Forgiving someone is not easy who has hurt us. Though we sometimes may even forgive them we never forget their actions or their words which treated us poorly. This person can be anyone, our spouse, siblings, parents, friends, or colleagues. However, what is more difficult, is to forgive ourselves! We honestly don't even know that we are the ones who are hurting ourselves by replaying the scenario of the past events than the person who had actually hurt us. Forgiving someone else may become easy at a particular point in time because when we forgive others we somehow know that it is the only thing to save our relationship and the other person is also a human and we all make mistakes. Yet when it's time to forgive ourselves we don't realize ...

Everything You Need To Know About Happiness And Implement It In Your Life

What Is Happiness? The word happiness refers to-  "an appraisal of life and all the good things that are happening to you or surrounding you." "the reality or emotions you are facing right now in the present." "the opposite of sadness and synonym of joy, pleasure, cheerfulness." This amazing word is amazing in itself. It's a feeling that we experience when anything good happens to us such as job satisfaction, scoring good marks, marrying our dream life partner, seeing our family happy, and so on. Happiness is an inner feeling that we express when we get what we desire.  Being happy gives us positivity, motivation, and confidence to do more. Also, it is a temporary feeling that we sense.  We get temporarily happy after getting anything. For instance, you make a girlfriend you are happy, you got an iPhone you are happy.   But after some time everything becomes normal because we adapt those habits into our lives . Again we tend to feel happy when everyth...

Practical Exercises To Improve Mental Health

     5  Best Ways To Improve Your Mental Health "Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community." - WHO Everyone talks about mental health but no one says how can we implement it except the professionals. To implement the theory of self-love into our minds, we need to practically start applying it.      Let us summarize what all the previous 3 posts have taught us. Self-love is not being egoistic or narcissistic. Self-love is to love yourself first so that you can love others. You are your own best friend and your strength. Accept yourself completely and freely with all your features and flaws. Do not compare yourself to others. You are unique and beautiful in your own way. Below is the access to these posts↓

Reasons for Self Love - 3

10 reasons..... Why you should love yourself!                The society we live in doesn't really apprise us to love ourselves. In schools and colleges also we are never taught to love ourself first. This is the reason why many students get themselves bullied as they did not know what that harm does to them.  I n short, there may be a million of reasons why we haven’t learned to love ourselves. But it is in our hands to learn how wonderful it is to feel loved by ourselves. And these are the remaining 5 reasons why it is important to learn how to do it. 6. You are your own Best friend The only person who will be with us from the moment we are born, to the moment we die is US. In short, who remains with us 24X7 is our BODY. But usually, we don't realise it because we are always in a search for a companion who will be with us,  who will praise us, who would go shopping with us and etc. We are generally reluctant to go alone because we don'...

Reasons for Self Love -2

10 reasons.....Why you should love yourself! Honestly, I never realized the value of myself until in 2018 I got dengue and was left with only 10,000 cells in my body. There were red and white patches on my whole body and the doctor immediately asked to transfer cells as my health was critical. 2 times I was transferred cells in a single day. You may be wondering, people had been through worse health conditions than me. I know this, there are bad and even more dangerous problems in the world. And I'm glad I had suffered a minor one. But only at that time, I realized I'm worthy. My presence actually affects me and my family. That was the major turning point in my life.  Anyways, moving ahead, let's talk about the 10 main reasons to love ourselves. In this post, we will cover the 5 reasons and the next 5 will be discussed in the upcoming post. It is logical Whenever you feel sad, just remember that there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about is YOU! Your b...