
Showing posts with the label Connect with your inner child

How to Reconnect with Your Inner Child and Own Your Confidence?

Have you ever felt like you needed a best friend to give you a pep talk to get into a meeting? Or that date you've been fantasizing about has suddenly made your confidence crumble like a sandcastle in the flood. If so, you're not alone. It's in our wiring to want approval, especially from the people we care about.  However, what happens if that need turns into a leash that drags us down from our own joy and inner strength? Imagine a world without a flashing neon sign controlling your happiness that someone else holds, like a remote control. One where your self-acceptance fuels your confidence like a constant beacon. That's what inner child reawakening is all about. You must know how to validate your emotions and feelings and not the rest of the world. We have learned to seek approval from others all our lives, but never did anyone realize its impact on our adulthood and relationships. If someone becomes very dependent on their partner in a relationship, this is because ...

Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Journey to Self-Rediscovery

It's easy to forget about the child living inside us who is vulnerable and too small in the hustle and bustle of adulthood. When we were young, we wanted to get older soon to enjoy night outs, do parties, earn money, and settle into life. Now, if we could revisit our childhood, most would say yes! Isn't it? As we age, responsibilities, obstacles, and societal expectations can lead us to assume that we've outgrown our inner child. But recognizing it and healing its wounds is essential to healing ourselves and improving our journey through life. Let's dive in and explore the significance of reestablishing a connection with your inner child and providing a route to self-love, healing, and stronger self-assurance. image: freepik The Forgotten Inner Child The innocent and naive aspect of ourselves that lives life with unaltered feelings and lacks the protective mechanisms we acquire as adults is our inner child. It's the part that prevailed over hardship and found happin...

5 Ways to Heal your Inner Child ! (Reparenting Part 2)

When we were children we always wanted to grow up fast and become adults because we wanted to  hang out with our friends, to do a job or establish a successful career, to make money, to be in relationships, and w anted the freedom to do anything,  And now when we have become adults and behaving like adults on the outside, there is still a child present inside us who rejoices seeing an ice cream or having a candy.  That child may have seen or witnessed something shocking which did not get healed at that particular time. And now those wounded pieces of evidence can be seen in our present behavior which is very important for us to heal so that our present should not get suffered.  In our previous post-  why-you-must-reparent-yourself.html we have learned about what reparenting is and about our inner child. In this post, we will learn what we can do to reparent or you can say heal ourselves.

Why you must Reparent Yourself ?

Imagine you have been asked to babysit a child,  How would you take care of him/her?  Or how you see a parent taking care of his/her child?  Obviously, every parent will give their best to their children. They are feeding them, making them aware of their surroundings, assisting them, helping them in their homework and other stuff, guiding them, and making them aware of right and wrong. As a parent or an elder sibling, you would never want your child or your younger sibling to suffer from anything, and also you would never try to intentionally hurt them. Despite providing care and nurturing to children, there are sometimes when a child feels neglectful. Some of us haven't got the same amount of love, time, attention, and validation in our childhood which has left a void in us and is somewhat still present there in our subconscious mind. That wound comes up when we are triggered or something terrible happens with us. To heal that wound, we need to Reparent Ourselves. ...