How to Reconnect with Your Inner Child and Own Your Confidence?

Have you ever felt like you needed a best friend to give you a pep talk to get into a meeting? Or that date you've been fantasizing about has suddenly made your confidence crumble like a sandcastle in the flood. If so, you're not alone. It's in our wiring to want approval, especially from the people we care about. However, what happens if that need turns into a leash that drags us down from our own joy and inner strength? Imagine a world without a flashing neon sign controlling your happiness that someone else holds, like a remote control. One where your self-acceptance fuels your confidence like a constant beacon. That's what inner child reawakening is all about. You must know how to validate your emotions and feelings and not the rest of the world. We have learned to seek approval from others all our lives, but never did anyone realize its impact on our adulthood and relationships. If someone becomes very dependent on their partner in a relationship, this is because ...