Feeling sad without any reason? Here are some of the possible reasons

Are you feeling sad for no obvious reason? Well, sometimes it happens with me too. We all go through such moments once in a while. Sadness over the loss of a loved one, a specific item, or after a breakup is one thing, and being upset for no apparent reason is another. However, there are times when sadness is persistent and doesn't go away. It can be a flashback of the past trauma, childhood memories, or maybe a symptom of depression. This is why it is crucial to recognize what is bothering you and treat it immediately so that it does not harm you. Are you suffering from depression or, is it just your overthinking? Let us find out! source: pexels.com Before we move on to find out the difference between sadness and depression. I want to make it clear to you all that I am not a certified psychologist or a mental health counselor. Nor even I have studied psychology. This article has been written with the help of all the external resources and my personal findings. While sadness and d...