Follow these 4 easy steps to get rid of your overthinking

Do you often find yourself physically present somewhere but mentally somewhere else? This happens to many of us! Sometimes, even when we're with our friends and family or at work, if we feel upset, we might start thinking about things that happened before or worry about things that might happen in the future. This is called overthinking! In simple words, it refers to when you are not aware of the present but are thinking of something else that causes your mind to worry, which first appears on your face and then in your behavior. But just like everything else, we can solve this issue too (only if we first know we are not fully present where we should be). Let's dive in deep! Why do we overthink? Overthinking is the act of thinking deeply and persistently about a topic or situation. You struggle to get your thoughts to concentrate on anything else when you overthink. It is as if it consumes all your mind and hinders you from going somewhere else. Contrary to popular beli...