
Showing posts from October, 2023

Treat Your Body With Love & Care and It Will Do Wonders For You

Many of us have servants and maids at our homes who follow our instructions and do what we ask them to do in return for wages and salaries. Now, think of your body as a servant working hard to keep you healthy. If you give it healthy and nutritious foods, enough sleep, moderate exercise, and happy thoughts, then its work will become easy. On the other hand, if you fill it up with negative and toxic foods and thoughts, then guess what? Your energy will start depleting; you will get sick and do much more than you want. Understanding that there are some things we should not do is crucial in the quest for improved health. Avoiding becoming upset with our bodies is a crucial component. Despite its strange sound, this idea is based on the strength of affirmations and positive thinking. When we are angry with our bodies, we express unhappiness with them or even with certain body parts. Treating your body with love Keep your focus off of your ailments if you want to improve your health. Rather...

Struggling With Low Confidence? It's Time To Change Your Fashion Sense

Wondering how a personal development blog has a post related to fashion? No, I haven't changed my niche! I want to boost your self-esteem by giving you practical tips you can apply daily. Confidence is built over time and depends on various factors such as parenting, environment, and a person's belief in themselves. As a child, I struggled with confidence, whether at school, college, or a family function. I never dared to perform or act in front of a large audience. But with time and learning self-love, I am rebuilding confidence in myself. So can you! This time, with fashion and style tips! And if you think only people with more money can afford to buy luxe clothes and live a luxurious and confident life, you are wrong! You do not have to be rich to be stylish. It has nothing to do with more money but how you carry it with you.   How are fashion and confidence related to each other? Do you remember how you always wanted to put on your new outfit when you brought it home?  It ...

How To Deal With Difficult People and Protect Your Energy

Since I always preach about loving yourself and why self-love is so important, I thought of writing something this week that most of us often go through. Dealing with harmful or toxic people in our day-to-day lives. Although labeling someone as "toxic," "manipulator," or "narcissistic" is not correct, what else can you say to someone who pulls all your energy the moment you interact with them? Whether it's someone at your job, it could be a colleague sitting next to you, your manager or your boss, or anyone else outside your job, like a family member or a gym friend. When you see or engage with them, you feel like your cup is getting emptier. If such negative, energetic people also surround you, it's time for you to protect your mental peace and happiness. While everyone deserves compassion and kindness, how can you provide them with love and compassion if they are soaking up your energy, too? So here's what I have come up with to help you deal...