
Showing posts from September, 2020

20 Ways To Practice Self-Love Everyday

  We all know what self-love is. Why is it important, Why should we love ourselves, and all the basic concepts regarding self-love? In this post, I am going to talk about 20 Ways to Practice Self-Love every day. Every single day we can practice self-love so that slowly it can become a part of us. Just as brushing our teeth, combing our hair, dressing up, eating food is a common ritual, self-love will be a part of this if we find out how to practice it! When we hear someone mentioning self-love, we may think, it's such a tough subject, they might have learned about this from someone professional or maybe only the rich and happy people can love themselves as they have everything. This is where we go wrong! No, not only the rich and poor can love themselves, we all have to love ourselves to be happy and successful, and not only to get success, but it is our birthright! Okay, you find someone attractive, you fall in love with them after few conversations and after some time you realize...

Self Sabotage- How To Stop It?

Are you someone who is facing problems in your relationships? Or you are not able to achieve your career goals? Or you know that going to the gym will help you to reduce your weight but still, you are lazy enough and can't go? Then in all these cases, you might be self-sabotaging yourself! Often times, we people don't really know that our behavior is harming us. We may think that there are certain people or things that are unlucky for our goals, and maybe because of this, we are always failing.  However, we forget to look within ourselves and the words we say or the way we behave. So what exactly Self-Sabotage is? Self-sabotage, in simple words, means - "Doing the opposite of what you want and need". It simply means behaving in a way that holds you back from your goals or may cause problems in your relationships or even cause you stress. When you hold yourself from reaching your full potential, is self-sabotaging. Common Examples of Self-Sabotaging Resist To Change- ...

Positive Thinking Can Cure Illness If You Follow These Tips

 Do you know you can heal yourself and your illness with your mind? Anyone can get frustrated or tired if he/she has been sick for more than a few days especially when they were completely fine the last night and the next morning when they woke up, they fell sick with a higher temperature of above 100° celsius. The same thing happened to me about 2 days ago when I woke up in the morning with body aches and with 101° of fever and I had no clue how this happened! But, you never know the reason behind your sudden illness! Well, these days if anyone even sneezes, they get worried because of the coronavirus. Besides this, some people are bedridden for so long because of their illness and they are upset about this as they cannot go outside in the fresh air. No doubt, they are taking medicines but sometimes it takes more than longer to recover. This situation can be disturbing when you don't know how to deal with the circumstance and how to adopt a positive frame of mind! Here I am going ...

6 Signs You Lack Self-Love

6 Signs you lack Self-love Self-love is a basic foundation for attracting good relations into our lives. If you do not have love within yourself you cannot give love to others. When someone asks me, why have I created a blog on Self-love?  Why not something else? My answer is- What I am doing to make myself better, I want others to do the same. Yes, I am not a professional coach or a book writer nor even a therapist. But I am a human who has endured so much in her life, that now she is willing to make someone else's life better. Whenever I get texts like - "I am reading your articles and they are really helping me ", this actually makes me realize that I am not doing anything wrong. Because if my 1 self-written and self-experienced article can make someone's day better then it automatically makes my day. If you ask me when did I realized the importance of self-love? I will give you an honest answer, and that is when my own friends made me feel less comfortable. When ...

10 Self Love Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

If you are the existing user of this blog, then you must have read my previous articles where I often talk about Affirmations, Positive Affirmations to practice daily in our lives.  You must be thinking about why I always talk about Affirmations? What is the role of Positive Affirmations? Do Affirmations really work? WHAT IS AFFIRMATION? Affirmation is a practice of saying positive sentences to yourself about your career, success, money, health, love life, and every field in which you want to foster improvement. It also means that to use our daily life sentences in such a way that can bring abundance into our lives. These affirmations if used frequently, can also improve the decisions we make. HOW DOES AFFIRMATION WORK? It is said that to make affirmations effective, then these affirmations need to be used in the positive and present tense and also should be specific. Affirmations can result in both positive as well as negative. These are like a double-edged sword depending on how ...