How to build a healthy and loveful relationship with yourself?

You may have heard phrases like "The relationship you have with yourself defines the relationship you have with others." This is absolutely true because the way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering to take care of myself because I get so focused on the people I like. I schedule everything around them and forget about my own needs. It's like they've become the most important things in my life. Guess what happens next? I depend on them for my emotional needs and happiness, and they have no choice but to leave me. Sometimes I feel like I need someone else to be happy, but that's not true. It's because when I was little, I didn't love myself enough. That's why I work on loving myself now, so I can have a happy life and attract good things to me. If you find it hard to make good friends or get along with others, it's important to start being kind to yourself. When you like who you are, you will ...