Here are some scientifically proven benefits of gratitude that can change your life

If you are a constant reader of my blog, you would be well aware of the times I have used the word "Gratitude" in my blog posts. Even last year I wrote a complete post on the meaning and importance of the same. We all know that "Gratitude" is simply the act of "Being Grateful." Whenever someone does something for us, we always thank them for their gesture. This Thank You come from our state of being grateful. But do you know that you can always stay in this state and reap its benefits? Yes! Appreciating other people does not make them happy alone but it makes you happy too. It makes you enlightened and top of the joy and you get free from all your worries and problems. Of course, it is not a magic wand that you once use and all your problems will get diminished. However, it makes you aware of the things that you have now rather than complaining about the things that you don't have. How to practice gratitude? The state of being grateful cannot onl...