
Showing posts with the label heal yourself


Do you know our brains give more weight to negative responses than positive ones? For instance, when you ask someone to not do something, or not go there, their mind will urge them to do the same. This is because the word "not" comes in the category of negative words. Generally, we all get contemplated by seeing or hearing the negative news that goes on and on around us which sometimes takes a toll on our mental health.  Some days we feel sad without even knowing the exact reason and, then we wonder why we are feeling this way. We even compare, criticize or complain about that situation but do not go back to understand the reason behind this. source: think like a monk book ( by jay shetty) Hence, to immediately improve your mood and be happy, you must first take responsibility.  When you audit yourself for a day or a week, you can find out a lot about yourself. Here, in this blog post, I will tell you a simple technique that the famous author, coach, and a former monk,  J...

When is the right time to emotionally detach from someone?

Attachment, either physical or emotional, helps to keep us going. Some may confuse it with love, while others are aware of their limits. So what is this need of becoming detached from others? Why do we frequently hear from others that they require space or that they wish to withdraw from a particular relationship?  Usually when the attachment is more from one side or when one person is giving more into a relationship they become emotionally dependent on someone.  Attachment and caring are a part of love. However, when you see yourself willing to do more for others, it means you are dependent on them.  This is why many therapists or motivators ask people to withdraw themselves from others so they do not get hurt. Here we will learn why, when & how to detach from someone. Detaching or detachment does not mean you should isolate yourself so that nobody can hurt you. It means to focus on yourself and your needs so that you do not worry about someone else's behavior. It is...

7 Things You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About No Matter What!

 Do you also sometimes feel burdened by an emotion called- "Guilt"?  And then you start blaming yourself for the things you've done, and you wonder why you've done them. Well, let me tell you- "Guilt is the result of overthinking a situation or, more specifically, thinking about how others are feeling about the way you have responded to them!" If you have done something that made you happy and it gave you a sense of peace at that time, you should not feel bad about doing it. Guilt is nothing but normal human emotion. It isn't even a negative emotion; it indicates that you are moral and ethical and that you are aware that your decisions have consequences.  Most of the time we are accused of things for which we should not be guilty. This means that we apologize for the things for which no apology is needed. You hurt yourself when you feel guilty. It's you who has to suffer and not others. So why take the blame on yourself when you only think about you...

5 Easy Ways To Manage Your Mental Wellbeing During Covid19

In 2020 when the pandemic hit the world, we all got stressed, anxious and upset. We had to stay away from our loved ones and isolate ourselves to protect them. But gradually, we made it through it, and in December 2020, we all wished for a happy new year. We all thought this coming year would bring back our happiness and everything would get better. But little did we know that this situation was going to be worse.  Wait, I am not going to make you feel depressed! A lot is going on right now, be it the shortage of beds, oxygen, or the poor development of our healthcare system. Our social media feeds are flooded with messages from people who need assistance or news outlets broadcasting disturbing images of dead bodies. When I see such posts on my Instagram account, I feel gloomy about the situation. That feeling of fear and numbness that I experience, I am sure you guys experience it too. But as it is said that- "Hope is the only thing that can help us get through the darkest of ti...

7 Things To Remember When You Are Feeling Worthless

  In our life, we all have been to a point where everything went wrong, nothing worked in our favor and then we got sad and frustrated. We try to control the situation, hold our emotions in front of our family, and cry out loud by soaking our face against the pillow. I know this feeling is terrible when we feel like- "I am Worthless!" , "I am a burden to my family!" At that moment we only want peace! Peace inside our heart, mind, and everywhere around us. When we are hit back by a sudden change or a negative situation that is not in our control, we are often surrounded by negative emotions. I would say it's okay to feel worthless at some point- because only then you would be able to recognize your true self. However, continuously repeating negative self-talk and feeling bad about yourself will lead you to more negative situations.  Let's think of what you can do when you are feeling low, sad, and worthless. Here are the top 07 things to remember whenever y...

How To Stop Being Toxic And Be A Better Person

Sometimes the problem is with you- and not with them! Have you thought that maybe you are hard to deal with? Or why your relationships ain't working? Yes, it's possible that the other person doesn't deserve you and is constantly hurting you all the time but what if you also have some toxic traits which you are not even aware of! Look, it's not about being a people-pleaser or beg someone to be with you.  The point is, to be aware of the toxic traits you might have and work on them.  We all have bad experiences when it comes to relationships or friendships. People may come into our lives for a few weeks or months and then leave all of sudden!  In that case, you might have thought that maybe they don't deserve to be in your life. But what if you have exhausted them so much that they had no choice but to leave you! You got so busy calculating their mistakes, or finding faults in their actions that you forgot that even you are not perfect!  If you are having some issue i...

Positive Thinking Can Cure Illness If You Follow These Tips

 Do you know you can heal yourself and your illness with your mind? Anyone can get frustrated or tired if he/she has been sick for more than a few days especially when they were completely fine the last night and the next morning when they woke up, they fell sick with a higher temperature of above 100° celsius. The same thing happened to me about 2 days ago when I woke up in the morning with body aches and with 101° of fever and I had no clue how this happened! But, you never know the reason behind your sudden illness! Well, these days if anyone even sneezes, they get worried because of the coronavirus. Besides this, some people are bedridden for so long because of their illness and they are upset about this as they cannot go outside in the fresh air. No doubt, they are taking medicines but sometimes it takes more than longer to recover. This situation can be disturbing when you don't know how to deal with the circumstance and how to adopt a positive frame of mind! Here I am going ...