
Showing posts from August, 2022

How To Find Solitude When Alone and Live Your Best Life?

Do you hate spending time alone? Do you get frustrated when suddenly your plans to go out get canceled? I am sure most of you probably answered yes to the above questions. Because why not? A man is a social animal, and he always wants to be surrounded by a group of people to chill with and have fun. However, if there is a time when you have no other option but to sit by yourself without your friends and family, what makes you so desperate to go out?  Why do you hate spending time alone? Of course, we need to maintain a balance between spending alone time with ourselves and spending time socializing.  I myself get desperate some days because I so want to go out, but having no social circle makes me sad and angry.  There are days when I want to be alone and spend time with myself, and there are other days when I feel lonely in my own company.  If you didn't want to be alone but ended up feeling lonely and now this thing is scaring you off, then relax and read this enti...

How To Not Get Disturbed By People's Behaviour? Practical Ways To Follow

Do you also feel people keep getting under your skin? Do you often get irritated by someone else's simple yet weird habits?  If so, you are not alone here! We all sometimes get disturbed by the behavior of others.  Now let me tell you the hard TRUTH!  If you keep getting offended or even hurt by someone's words, actions, or behavior, that is your problem. Because people behave according to their knowledge, wisdom, and karma. This does not have to do anything with you or your mood.  You might think that it is impossible to keep calm when someone is constantly making you angry, frustrated, or irritated.  But ask yourself if they are giving you the negative emotions or are you creating them on your own?  When we are aware that our soul is made of seven qualities, which are purity, peace, love, joy, bliss, power, and knowledge, then why would we create negative emotions and hurt ourselves? We believe that the other person is to blame for how we feel because we ...

React vs Respond: What should you do?

Do you also regret your words after a conversation? We spend most of our time reacting to events and things happening in our environment. The problem is that these reactions aren't always the best course of action; as a result, they can upset others, make things worse for us, and even worsen the situation. Sometimes we don't even intend to hurt others, but because we unknowingly react to the words of others, we may end up hurting our loved ones.  This is why it is widely said by doctors and motivational and spiritual leaders to respond instead of reacting. Before we move on to the practical advantages of responding, we must first know the difference between the two. Once we are aware of the pros and cons of reacting, we will automatically implement responding in our behavior. Reacting refers to an instant response to an event or circumstances. For example, you hit me, so I'll hit you. You cheated, so I'll cheat as well. You irritated me. I will irritate you more. A reac...

How To Let Go Of Someone You Love So Much? Effective Steps To Follow

Moving on is the toughest decision we ever make in our lives. All the flashbacks, memories, late-night calls, and cute conversations hit us hard in the faces and keep replaying in our heads. But endless fights, disrespectful and mean comments, physical or mental abuse, and feeling miserable, lonely, and unhappy are the TOP SIGNS you must let go of someone you love. I know how hard it is to suddenly stop talking to someone who you thought was your best friend for life.  In this post, I will give you some effective steps to follow that will improve your healing journey and help to soothe your wounds.  Before starting, let me tell you, I too have been through this phase in my life, and it wasn't easy at all. I used to cry almost every day. My chest felt heavy, and my heart was in pain throughout that time. But I followed some steps, took one day at a time, and gradually learned to be emotionally independent. Related:  It All Starts With You- Your guide to self-love Easy Step...