26 lessons I learned in 26 years

I turned 26 a little less than a month ago. Like everyone else, I too get excited for my birthday every year (except the excitement decreases yearly because of that aging factor). Each year since COVID-19, I have become more aware and cautious of the things and events happening in my life. I always try to relate one thing to another because of my belief in LoA. This is why I am writing this blog post so that you can connect with it and learn something from it. Lets dive in... 1. People play their role and leave: Everyone enters our life with a purpose, teaching us lessons and contributing to our growth before our journey naturally transitions. So, don't cry over who left because they played their role, and now you must move on to the next chapter of your life. 2. Things had to fall apart for the beautiful things to manifest: Sometimes, life's disruptions clear space for new opportunities and growth, allowing beauty to emerge from the ashes of what once was. You can only grow...