
Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Become A Highly Magnetic Person

 Don't you think some people are just naturally likable? Or their aura is so magnetic that you want to be with them because with them it feels like you can show your true self and your vibe connects instantly? It isn't that they do something special or they have something magical inside them, but it's just that they know how to make themselves as well as others feel special about them. And do you know that you can also be like them? You can also be irresistibly magnetic that everyone would want to stick beside you. Becoming a charming or magnetic person, both for men and women, will not only make people want to be with you but will also boost your confidence level up.  Before we move towards the steps that will help you become attractive towards a person, I want to ask you how many times you have found a person naturally attractive and on what basis? Is it because of their looks? or the color of their eyes ? or simply because their smile is just so alluring that you couldn...

Calm Your Mind In 3 Simple Ways

Hey everyone!! Hope you all are doing well!  I have been dealing with stress and fear these days due to some reasons.  Anyways, we all experience stress hormones. (aren't we ?) I feel stress only comes because of our fear and fear comes when we are not expecting something or some kind of negative situation has arisen. Sometimes we get so afraid that we start to panic and thus lose our peace of mind.  I believe  "PEACE OF MIND" is the most prestigious luxury. When you have a stable peace of mind you can do anything and others also get positive vibes from you.  I remember how I used to take my peace of mind for granted and used to run after people and friends. You should never do this to yourself.  But thankfully with time, I realized my priorities and now I choose myself over anything and this is all because I had faith and an urge to change. I wanted to change myself and I wanted to be happy without depending on others.  Now finally I have realized thi...

How To Not Care What People Think Of You?

Basically, we all care about what people think of us in some or the other way. This is the reason why we try to speak English in a better accent (especially those whose mother tongue is not English), we dress so perfectly when socializing, we try to eat what other eat that too with proper etiquettes, moreover, we watch what others watch be it on Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other Hollywood movie. And if some of us are not doing what others are doing we are forced to hear that if we belong to another planet? Let's get back to our school days when Justin Beiber and Taylor swift were so new and popular during those days and some of our friends and classmates were used to gossip about them because they had the access to internet and laptops at their home and we were not. Our friends/classmates used to sing that popular song of Taylor Swift- "You belong with me". But you were clueless, b ecause you were not used to these kinds of songs or because you did not use to have acces...

5 Ways to Heal your Inner Child ! (Reparenting Part 2)

When we were children we always wanted to grow up fast and become adults because we wanted to  hang out with our friends, to do a job or establish a successful career, to make money, to be in relationships, and w anted the freedom to do anything,  And now when we have become adults and behaving like adults on the outside, there is still a child present inside us who rejoices seeing an ice cream or having a candy.  That child may have seen or witnessed something shocking which did not get healed at that particular time. And now those wounded pieces of evidence can be seen in our present behavior which is very important for us to heal so that our present should not get suffered.  In our previous post-  why-you-must-reparent-yourself.html we have learned about what reparenting is and about our inner child. In this post, we will learn what we can do to reparent or you can say heal ourselves.

Why you must Reparent Yourself ?

Imagine you have been asked to babysit a child,  How would you take care of him/her?  Or how you see a parent taking care of his/her child?  Obviously, every parent will give their best to their children. They are feeding them, making them aware of their surroundings, assisting them, helping them in their homework and other stuff, guiding them, and making them aware of right and wrong. As a parent or an elder sibling, you would never want your child or your younger sibling to suffer from anything, and also you would never try to intentionally hurt them. Despite providing care and nurturing to children, there are sometimes when a child feels neglectful. Some of us haven't got the same amount of love, time, attention, and validation in our childhood which has left a void in us and is somewhat still present there in our subconscious mind. That wound comes up when we are triggered or something terrible happens with us. To heal that wound, we need to Reparent Ourselves. ...

Criticizing yourself can be your worst enemy! Know How ?

  source: Pinterest          If you have a friend who speaks to you the same way, you sometimes speak to yourself, how long he would be your friend? You will say, I would immediately cut off contact with him because he speaks rubbish to me and for me. But have you ever realized, that you are your biggest enemy when you speak those toxic and bad words for yourself! O ur mind is always thinking something depending on what circumstances are on the outside. When we have a dream, that is also caused by the thought patterns of our mind. Hence, about 95% of the time our mind keeps on thinking except when we are in deep sleep. Someone who is disempowering us, or not supporting us, or taunting us all of the time, we may not like to be with them, because all we are getting is negative vibes from them. But how can we run away from ourselves? When we do negative self-talk, we don't have the option to run away, all we can do is stop that thought, change that thought, ...