How can you be kind to yourself? Find out here!

While running behind our goals and chasing outside attention, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Not only do we get indulged in taking care of others but we also let others decide our worth. In today's time, it's important to be kind towards yourself too. Kindness makes our lives worth living. Kindness makes our lives peaceful and those around us too. So imagine when we start being kind towards ourselves. What would it be like? Why should we be kind towards ourselves? Most people, especially men, hide their feelings or suppress them because men have been taught to be strong on the outside. However, we forget that both men and women are humans, and humans have feelings too. When we don't share our feelings with others, we deteriorate our mental health that impacts our physical health too. The reason we should be kind towards ourselves is that: It improves our mental health. It makes us a positive person. Kindness adds value to our lives. We can easily get through to...