
Showing posts from November, 2021

10 Quick Ways To Help You Relieve Stress

We all experience stress in our daily lives. In fact, we say that it has become a part of our lives. We become anxious about a variety of things, including preparing for an interview, doing something for the first time, thinking about finances, becoming ill, and so on. Getting worried about all of these things is fine up to some extent. In fact, our history tells us that we use stress as a mechanism to protect ourselves from threats.   But do you know how stress came into our lives? Why do even young children use the word "stress" so much? This is because they have been listening to their parents about "stress" so much. They feel everything that is out of their control causes them stress.  However, they are unaware of the fact that stress can be harmful to our bodies in so many ways.  source:freepik What is stress? The body's response to a challenge or demand is referred to as stress. Everyone experiences stress, which can be triggered by a variety of events, ra...

Stop forcing people to stay in your life and start living alone

 Ask yourself-  "Do you want to play a role of cameo in someone else's movie?"  or  "Do you want to play a lead role in your own movie?" Of course, you would play a lead role.  But you can't be a lead hero if you're chasing someone and asking them to stay in your life. You are not seeing your worth and instead of wishing someone else to see your worth. How is that possible?  It isn't! So, if you want to be the star of your own movie and if you want to be happy, stop CHASING AND BEGGING others. The majority of today's relationships appear to be failing solely due to a lack of connection between the partners. You can't make someone understand how much you need them. The opposite partner should be able to accomplish everything on his or her own. The most essential thing to remember in this case is that you should never compel someone to stay in your life. You can't make somebody love you, care for you or remain with you. All you can do now i...