12 simple tips that can boost your self worth quickly
If you've been following me for a while, you've probably read my blog posts about self-worth and self-confidence. I've always struggled with poor self-esteem, which has led to a lack of opportunity exploration. I even had a lot of fake friends in my life because I didn't know how to set boundaries back then. Through this blog post, I want to build your self-confidence so that when you step into the new year, you are a different and better person for yourself. With these simple tips, you can make changes in your life that will improve your standard of living. What is Self-Worth? If we look into the dictionary, it defines self-worth as " the sense of one's own value or worth as a person." Self-worth is also used as a synonym of self-esteem. Those who have higher self-worth have more confidence and self-esteem. Related: How to rebuild confidence when failures hit you? When we have a low sense of self-worth, we are frequently absorbed by toxicity or terribl...