With the rapid advancement of technology, it has now become easier to connect with anyone from any part of the world.
Not only we can engage but can figure out every problem with just 1 click.
Whatever we want to know, we instantly search it on Google or Youtube and get the desired results.
It has become our best friend. More then our real friends, we spend time with our phones accessing our social media networks.
We always have an urge to pick up our phones and go through our social media accounts.
Whenever our phone is not with us, we get anxious to scroll through our Instagram account or Snapchat. Even if nobody texts us or there aren't any relevant notifications, still we want to see our social sites.
All of these points towards addiction. Actually, it's not the social sites that cause anxiety. It is the addiction of using social media more than a limited time per day.
If you are like me who puts her phone down for a minute then again picks it up and starts scrolling all your social sites then you are obsessed with your phone.
If before going to sleep you randomly see a cute dog picture and then you check the whole account of that particular picture then you are obsessed with your phone.
Ask these questions to yourself:
Do you also think of taking a short break while studying and end up spending more than half n hour on Facebook?
Do you also use your phone while talking with someone face to face?
If you said YES, to any of these questions or you relate yourself to the above points then you may be experiencing Social Media Anxiety.
How Does Social Media Affect us?
Social media affects us in many ways. It has an everlasting impact on us, on our health, on our work, and even our relations.
Before we continue to explore the effects of social media, let's see why do we use social media so much that it becomes an addiction!
In this quarantine, I have used social media way more than I have ever used in the past years. As we all were free and could not go outside, we all binged on our favorite shows, making tik-tok, obsessing over each other's Instagram account, and doing a lot of other things.
We use social media for various purposes but then end up being addicted to it. They can be :
So we know these sites consume our lot of time and distract us from doing the other meaningful work.
On average a person tends to spend 1.15 hours a day on various social sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. This number is going to increase within the coming years because these companies are making a lot of profit from them. They place different and catchy ads on your newsfeed which you cannot resist and you end up clicking on them. Hence, you make profits of other sites also.
Now let us see how social media is affecting our health.
Consequences Of Social Media On Health
- You Compare your Real-Life To Someone Online
- Lack of Real-Time Conversation
- Disturbance in Sleep
- Unnecessary Stress
- Impact on Physical Health
Here Are Some Ways to Get Rid Of Social Media Addiction
1. Be Conscious
Instead of just grabbing your phone and getting lost in the world of the internet, be aware. Be aware of how much time you are spending or going to spend on social media. Repeat this to yourself, "now I am going to spend 10 minutes on my Instagram after that I will do some other work."
2. Don't Take Out Your Phone While Talking
We all know that using a phone while driving is a serious offense. But using your phone while someone is talking with you is disrespecting them. Keep your phone in your pocket when you are meeting with someone unless you have to show them something, this will not only make your conversations strong but will also exert your control by not splitting your attention
3. Turn-Off The Notifications
It's not bad to reply to a dm or comment on someone's post, but these notifications build our habit to always go through the app, hence wasting so much of our time. Turn away all the notifications except your Gmail account or any other important app that you know is consuming your time. This way you will slowly get rid of the social media addiction.
4. Do Not Argue With People Online
You will find many people online who are thinking and posting something opposite of what you think. And whatever you post, they comment on that and provoke you which ends up fighting online. Don't argue with them because by doing that you are only making your health at risk and causing yourself a lot of stress. Let others speak what they think is right. Try explaining them once, if they don't understand, leave that topic there only.
5. Try Productivity Apps
If your addiction problem is severe and you seriously want to limit off your access, then try using productivity apps that limit your access and also show you statistics of the apps you use. I personally use this app :
It not only tells you how much time you are consuming on each app per day but also makes the daily reports. Moreover, it has various challenges from beginner to advanced levels which are a great way of minimizing the use of apps.