Have you ever been in a position when you know the other person does not want to talk with you but you still want to?
They're implying that they don't want to be with you by their acts and behaviors, but you're not ready to accept this!
You want them to call you or text you. And when they do not call or respond to your texts, you check them on all the other social media platforms.
Seeing them online on Facebook or Whatsapp makes your heartache Isn't it?
Trust me I know how it feels to feel abandoned, and shattered. It looks like we are the most unworthy human on this planet. We beat ourselves up. We feel guilt and shame and curse our destiny.
source: pixabay |
It is the most pathetic thing that we all humans do (except those who love themselves).
Yes, someone who is incubated with self-love will never beg anyone to be in their lives. They won't run or chase someone because they are happy loving themselves. They are full of love and, they give love to everyone around them without expecting others to return them the same.
Thats' what we all should do!
We can't change anyone else, but we can change ourselves.
I know you might think that- "It's easy to say so, but hard to give up on someone whom you love so much!"
But my dear, let me tell you- "Someone who is intended to be with you or belongs in your life will always be there. You'll never have to question your place in their lives!"
Do this instead of chasing someone
When you already have what you need, you won't expect others to give it to you. For example, suppose you have a cup of ice cream and the other person does as well. If you get an ice cream craving now, you'll eat it right off your plate. Even if the other person does not provide, you will not be disappointed because you already have all you require.
The same is the case with love. If you love yourself and speak respectfully to yourself, it doesn't matter whether or not the other person talks politely to you. This is how our life works.
Offer yourself what you want others to give you first, whether it's an emotional or mental need.
Nice written 👏👌