
Dive Deep: The Key to Everything Lies Inside

We are social beings. We crave connections, love, and a sense of belonging.  Everybody wants to be liked and appreciated by others, thus we all look for friends and a particular someone to spend our time with. We hope they will choose us, value us, and desire for us to be in their lives. Even most of the time, we are busy with our work, but when we are free, say weekends, we overthink, call friends to hang out, and if they have plans, we get sad. But not even for one second, we find this rejection a redirection: the  Universe  wants us to be alone for a reason. It has its  own  plans, which we normal people can't understand.  Perhaps it's an opportunity to stop, think, and get back in touch with ourselves.  Consider witnessing friends in fulfilling partnerships. Even while it could at first make you feel alone, this response can be a very useful one. It can help us identify areas in our own lives that require improvement or attention. Let us ...

Look Good And Feel Good: Connecting Body Image with Fitness

Do you often find yourself saying, " My arms are so fat " or " My legs are unattractive " whenever you look in the mirror? We often say this and criticize ourselves a lot, often without even realizing it. What if I told you that the things you think about can actually change how you feel? It might sound strange, but let me explain. Science has proven that how we think can affect how we feel. If you always say mean things to yourself, it can make you feel sad.  But if you think happy thoughts, it can make you feel better. So if you are telling yourself negative things and wanting to change yourself so that people should start complimenting you, must stop first and start taking positive actions towards your physical health. Just sitting back, eating junk, making excuses, and resenting the jokes of how people body shame you are not going to take you anywhere. If you really want a change, make the first step now! Instead of thinking about not being in good shape, what...

How do you feel good on your own?

Some days, when we are full of energy, happy, and vibrant, we say, "Life is amazing." But other days, when we are sad, lonely, and fearful, we curse our lives and our whole journey. Some experiences can be good, while others can be bad, but they are all based on how we view any situation. Thus, our life experiences are based on thoughts and feelings.  How we think about ourselves and the world can change how we go through life. The good news is that we can make good things happen by thinking happy thoughts and controlling our feelings. So today, let's explore some ways through which we can cultivate some inner peace and happiness independent of external circumstances. Taking charge of your emotions Feelings like sadness, anger, loneliness, and fear are all normal but they can be too hard to handle. What we do is try to avoid these emotions by busying ourselves into movies, eating junk, drinking alcohol, etc.  So it is crucial not to avoid your emotions, but to learn how ...

Stop Waiting: Create Your Happiness Now!

Do you feel that outside circumstances or events control how you think and feel? It may be true! But not every time! If you are feeling sad, depressed, or bored, you cannot always put it to someone else. You cannot always blame the situations in your life unless you are willing to take responsibility. Ever heard someone always complaining about their health, relationships, finances, job, boss, or career? Do you want to be with that person? No right! Every time they come to you or call you to talk about their sad events, you wish they cut the phone soon so you don't have to listen to their bullshit or the same repetitive story. But do you realize you have become the same person unconsciously in the eyes of the universe? Why would the universe give you peace, love, abundance, joy, and happiness if you are always playing the victim card? The knowledge the universe holds, you have the same. All you need to do is search for it by going within! It's time you stop letting outside circ...

How Do Faith and Medicine Work Together for Healing?

Since childhood, I have been inclined to follow my religion and my religious beliefs. The belief is that reciting God's name and telling him your problems solves all your problems. While seeing other children of my age depending on their fathers to help them with all sorts of tasks, I couldn't, and this used to hurt me a lot. But I always used to pray to God, and he did help me by giving me courage, hope, and strength. Although you may have your own beliefs about religion, whatever they are, I am sure we have all experienced the magic of God in our lives. So, let's relive that magic and learn how surrendering to God can cure all our problems by giving us the strength to fight with them. Faith and Medicine: Two Sides of the Healing Coin Like the strands of the complicated tapestry, faith and medicine have a complex relationship. Although modern medicine has made significant advancements in its field, you cannot underestimate the power of faith. When doctors find it hard to h...

The Art of Letting Go: When Others Don't Match Your Effort

Have you ever been in a situation where you asked someone to do something for you, and they refused, giving you some lame excuse? And after some time, do you see them doing the same thing for someone else? Did that hurt you? Did you question your self-worth after that? Well, what if I told you it was never your fault if they never realized the value of a diamond? Okay, let me explain this with an example! Imagine spending hours making a delicious homemade pizza for your best friend, only to have them reject it in exchange for a classy takeaway meal with their new friends. Yes, that hurts. But consider this: what matters are their choices and taste buds, not the pizza (or the effort). It's acceptable that various things appeal to different people. Relationships are the same. No matter how much you give, sometimes others won't value it equally. They may not feel the same connection because they are busy, have different priorities, or have other reasons. What was the most challeng...

How to Reconnect with Your Inner Child and Own Your Confidence?

Have you ever felt like you needed a best friend to give you a pep talk to get into a meeting? Or that date you've been fantasizing about has suddenly made your confidence crumble like a sandcastle in the flood. If so, you're not alone. It's in our wiring to want approval, especially from the people we care about.  However, what happens if that need turns into a leash that drags us down from our own joy and inner strength? Imagine a world without a flashing neon sign controlling your happiness that someone else holds, like a remote control. One where your self-acceptance fuels your confidence like a constant beacon. That's what inner child reawakening is all about. You must know how to validate your emotions and feelings and not the rest of the world. We have learned to seek approval from others all our lives, but never did anyone realize its impact on our adulthood and relationships. If someone becomes very dependent on their partner in a relationship, this is because ...