Do you often find yourself saying, "My arms are so fat" or "My legs are unattractive" whenever you look in the mirror?
We often say this and criticize ourselves a lot, often without even realizing it.
What if I told you that the things you think about can actually change how you feel? It might sound strange, but let me explain. Science has proven that how we think can affect how we feel. If you always say mean things to yourself, it can make you feel sad.
But if you think happy thoughts, it can make you feel better.
So if you are telling yourself negative things and wanting to change yourself so that people should start complimenting you, must stop first and start taking positive actions towards your physical health.
Just sitting back, eating junk, making excuses, and resenting the jokes of how people body shame you are not going to take you anywhere. If you really want a change, make the first step now!
Instead of thinking about not being in good shape, what if you went for a walk or danced around? You would be moving your body, making yourself feel good, and having fun in no time!
Isn't that amazing?
Let's dive into more details now!
The Look Good-Feel Good Connection
I vividly remember when I first started going to a large gym. I was shy, lacked confidence, had poor body posture, and constantly compared myself to other women.
One day, my trainer uttered a single line I'll never forget: "If you look good in the mirror, you'll automatically feel good on the inside!" This simple phrase has become an influential motivator on my fitness journey.
Even when I lack the motivation to work out, I recall his words, and they jumpstart my desire to lift weights.
Think about the days when you just came out of a salon after a fresh haircut. Didn't you feel a surge of confidence on the inside?
Now, this doesn't mean you push yourself to an extreme extent, even if your body doesn't allow it, just because you want to look good on the inside.
I want to tell you, "Start loving and accepting your body for what it is now." Only then can you start listening to it and making efforts for it.
Many plus-size influencers have a heightened confidence because they love themselves and their bodies. They know they have a larger body than others because of many health complications, yet they don't criticize themselves. Instead, they either work on getting fit (if possible) or show the world their bare skin without any shyness.