
7 Things You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About No Matter What!

 Do you also sometimes feel burdened by an emotion called- "Guilt"?  And then you start blaming yourself for the things you've done, and you wonder why you've done them. Well, let me tell you- "Guilt is the result of overthinking a situation or, more specifically, thinking about how others are feeling about the way you have responded to them!" If you have done something that made you happy and it gave you a sense of peace at that time, you should not feel bad about doing it. Guilt is nothing but normal human emotion. It isn't even a negative emotion; it indicates that you are moral and ethical and that you are aware that your decisions have consequences.  Most of the time we are accused of things for which we should not be guilty. This means that we apologize for the things for which no apology is needed. You hurt yourself when you feel guilty. It's you who has to suffer and not others. So why take the blame on yourself when you only think about you...

5 Easy Ways To Manage Your Mental Wellbeing During Covid19

In 2020 when the pandemic hit the world, we all got stressed, anxious and upset. We had to stay away from our loved ones and isolate ourselves to protect them. But gradually, we made it through it, and in December 2020, we all wished for a happy new year. We all thought this coming year would bring back our happiness and everything would get better. But little did we know that this situation was going to be worse.  Wait, I am not going to make you feel depressed! A lot is going on right now, be it the shortage of beds, oxygen, or the poor development of our healthcare system. Our social media feeds are flooded with messages from people who need assistance or news outlets broadcasting disturbing images of dead bodies. When I see such posts on my Instagram account, I feel gloomy about the situation. That feeling of fear and numbness that I experience, I am sure you guys experience it too. But as it is said that- "Hope is the only thing that can help us get through the darkest of ti...

How To Deal With Negativity And Toxicity Surrounding You?

The world is surrounded by negativity. Everywhere there is some negative news going on which is disrupting humankind.  We can somehow protect ourselves from the negativity of the world so that we do not see the news, messages, or videos coming our way, but what about the negative people around us? How can we shut them off?  These people are not bad in general, but their behavior, actions, words are so negative that it feels difficult for you to even breathe when you are with them?  Isn't it? So how can you overcome such negativity and toxicity that is not letting you live peacefully? Well, it's easy to say- "Stay away from negativity"! However, in real life, it's as hard as it is easy to say. So here's what you can do to deal with unnecessary stress, negativity, and all the toxic vibes you are getting either from a specific person or in general: 1. Music- Music has a different kind of vibe that can shift your mood in a second. Whenever someones piss you off...

9 Tiny Habits That Will Set Your Morning Routine

  The moment you wake up, you start surfing your social media to see what your friends or people whom you don't like in real life (but you are still following them over social media) have posted. If someone is putting a story of them running or working out, your first thought in the morning would be- "They are getting fit and I am still fat or ugly"!  And from that moment,  you curse or doubt yourself the whole day because you think that you are unable to do things that others are doing. This was 1 side.  The other side could be: You hurry to get ready for work an hour before it begins. Before heading out the door, you shower quickly and grab an energy bar and a cup of coffee. The day has not even started yet and you feel exhausted and by the end of the week, you are all so drained up and burnt. This week again you couldn't reach your weekly goals and the cycle goes on and on... So what is the exact way to set your life back on track? How can you set a morning routin...

How To Stop Stress Eating And Ways To Manage It

  Do you often find yourself eating lots of snacks at midnight or even at work? Watching Netflix and having popcorn is fine but when you eat just because you are bored is not! People who have a habit of accessing food when stressed or bored are known as "emotional eaters."  source: freepik Emotional eating or stress eating refers to running towards either something spicy or a desert to get comfort. Sometimes we are physically full, yet we crave to eat something and, this happens when we are emotionally struggling from something.  After you satisfy your soul by eating a tub of snacks, you may feel guilty or ashamed of yourself and, as a result, you gain weight. So, stress eating not only makes you overweight but also suggests that you have something going on in your mind. Are you an Emotional Eater? Ask yourself these questions to find out if you are an emotional eater: Do you eat something spicy to reduce your anxiety? Do you feel great after having lots of food? Do you c...

Ditch The Victim Mentality In 5 Easy Ways

Have you ever felt like a victim? Do you self-pity all the time?  Do you think the whole world is against you and no one seems to care about you? Well if you do so or if you know someone who always thinks he is helpless and powerless then it may be because of victim mentality. Who is a victim? A victim is someone who has been robbed, attacked, humiliated, tortured physically. But when someone intentionally tries to divert the situation around himself, we might say, "He is playing a victim card!" Why? Because we can easily understand that nothing has happened to him or nobody tortured him, still he is self-pitying himself for no reason. In general, we all are victims. At one point or other, we all have felt helpless. While some of us ditched our helplessness and stood firm but others couldn't leave their victim mindset.  Signs of a victim mentality Not everyone purposely plays a sympathy card, sometimes they don't know how to overcome a situation that leads to them bei...

How To Mentally Get A Break From Everything?

  When you are indulged in pursuing your career goals, or fitness goals, or home duties, sometimes you forget who you are! While the sense of accomplishment you get feels good but it's important to focus on your mental health too. The moment you wake up, you start calculating your day's duties and responsibilities without even being grateful for the same day. It's not that you are a selfish and ungrateful person, but amidst everything going on in your life, how many times have you taken care of yourself? Do you take time out of your busy schedule to do a head massage? or How many times do you visit the salon for a hair spa? Giving yourself a mental break is as necessary as meeting your deadlines. People, in general, believe that if they won't do as much hard work as others do, they might lag behind. But you need to ensure that your competition is not with anyone else, but with yourself. So you need to take timely breaks to recharge and reset yourself. Here are 8 healthy...