7 Things You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About No Matter What!

Do you also sometimes feel burdened by an emotion called- "Guilt"? And then you start blaming yourself for the things you've done, and you wonder why you've done them. Well, let me tell you- "Guilt is the result of overthinking a situation or, more specifically, thinking about how others are feeling about the way you have responded to them!" If you have done something that made you happy and it gave you a sense of peace at that time, you should not feel bad about doing it. Guilt is nothing but normal human emotion. It isn't even a negative emotion; it indicates that you are moral and ethical and that you are aware that your decisions have consequences. Most of the time we are accused of things for which we should not be guilty. This means that we apologize for the things for which no apology is needed. You hurt yourself when you feel guilty. It's you who has to suffer and not others. So why take the blame on yourself when you only think about you...