
How Do Faith and Medicine Work Together for Healing?

Since childhood, I have been inclined to follow my religion and my religious beliefs. The belief is that reciting God's name and telling him your problems solves all your problems. While seeing other children of my age depending on their fathers to help them with all sorts of tasks, I couldn't, and this used to hurt me a lot. But I always used to pray to God, and he did help me by giving me courage, hope, and strength. Although you may have your own beliefs about religion, whatever they are, I am sure we have all experienced the magic of God in our lives. So, let's relive that magic and learn how surrendering to God can cure all our problems by giving us the strength to fight with them. Faith and Medicine: Two Sides of the Healing Coin Like the strands of the complicated tapestry, faith and medicine have a complex relationship. Although modern medicine has made significant advancements in its field, you cannot underestimate the power of faith. When doctors find it hard to h...

The Art of Letting Go: When Others Don't Match Your Effort

Have you ever been in a situation where you asked someone to do something for you, and they refused, giving you some lame excuse? And after some time, do you see them doing the same thing for someone else? Did that hurt you? Did you question your self-worth after that? Well, what if I told you it was never your fault if they never realized the value of a diamond? Okay, let me explain this with an example! Imagine spending hours making a delicious homemade pizza for your best friend, only to have them reject it in exchange for a classy takeaway meal with their new friends. Yes, that hurts. But consider this: what matters are their choices and taste buds, not the pizza (or the effort). It's acceptable that various things appeal to different people. Relationships are the same. No matter how much you give, sometimes others won't value it equally. They may not feel the same connection because they are busy, have different priorities, or have other reasons. What was the most challeng...

How to Reconnect with Your Inner Child and Own Your Confidence?

Have you ever felt like you needed a best friend to give you a pep talk to get into a meeting? Or that date you've been fantasizing about has suddenly made your confidence crumble like a sandcastle in the flood. If so, you're not alone. It's in our wiring to want approval, especially from the people we care about.  However, what happens if that need turns into a leash that drags us down from our own joy and inner strength? Imagine a world without a flashing neon sign controlling your happiness that someone else holds, like a remote control. One where your self-acceptance fuels your confidence like a constant beacon. That's what inner child reawakening is all about. You must know how to validate your emotions and feelings and not the rest of the world. We have learned to seek approval from others all our lives, but never did anyone realize its impact on our adulthood and relationships. If someone becomes very dependent on their partner in a relationship, this is because ...

Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Journey to Self-Rediscovery

It's easy to forget about the child living inside us who is vulnerable and too small in the hustle and bustle of adulthood. When we were young, we wanted to get older soon to enjoy night outs, do parties, earn money, and settle into life. Now, if we could revisit our childhood, most would say yes! Isn't it? As we age, responsibilities, obstacles, and societal expectations can lead us to assume that we've outgrown our inner child. But recognizing it and healing its wounds is essential to healing ourselves and improving our journey through life. Let's dive in and explore the significance of reestablishing a connection with your inner child and providing a route to self-love, healing, and stronger self-assurance. image: freepik The Forgotten Inner Child The innocent and naive aspect of ourselves that lives life with unaltered feelings and lacks the protective mechanisms we acquire as adults is our inner child. It's the part that prevailed over hardship and found happin...

Let's Ditch the Old New Year Resolutions and Make Some Worthy Ones

Everyone gets excited for New Year's Eve and plans it with their friends and loved ones—many even set resolutions and goals they want to achieve in the coming year. Planning for the New Year also includes setting common goals like hitting the gym and working on your physical health. While it is an excellent way to kickstart off the year and the new month, how many times have you sustained and worked towards your goals consistently? Many of us fantasize about new goals for a few days until our self-sabotage kicks in, and we return to our old habits. Isn't it true? We then post our goals on our stories and let everyone know about them, seeking validation and appreciation for the goals set. But instead of achieving those goals and making a strategy for getting close to our goals, we talk about them more often. What's the point of only speaking and not taking inspired action? Social Media: The New Enemy of Our Happiness Remember how, decades back, the internet was a game change...

5 Steps to Unlearn The Emotional Negative Beliefs You Have About Yourself

Many often ask me why I read so many self-development books or write this blog when I do not earn a single penny. I started writing this blog in 2020, when we were stuck in lockdown, because of my interest in self-discovery. Sometimes, I, too, wonder why I cannot see a drastic change in my behavior and attitude, as it has been almost four years on my self-discovery journey. But, as they say, change never happens overnight. You slowly shift from negative beliefs to a positive belief system. There is often a gradual change. You outgrow toxic friends, ideas, thoughts, and habits and start automatically developing positive habits, spending alone time, and recognizing the value of true friends and relationships. Most importantly, you create a new and solid connection with yourself and the higher power. But how's that possible? Everybody has those bothersome inner critics who mumble doubts and negativity. We inherit all of these due to environmental patterns and conditioning. Do you know...

Why You Must Stop Asking People To Make You Happy?

Does your mood often depend on how other people behave? You usually adjust your emotional frequency in response to someone's behavior, regardless of who they are. If this is you and you do not know how to regain the remote control of your happiness that you have given others, then this blog post is for you. Considering I am also like this and working on letting others stop affecting me, I thought of why not write a blog post. You never know who is struggling with what! So let's get started! The Constant Need For Begging Others To Make You Happy Happiness is a universal desire. We always want to experience happiness. But when you ask someone when was the last time they were happy? You will often see them wondering here and there, or they will tell a moment when something important happened in their lives, like a day when their daughter got married or when they stood first in their class. But these are just a few examples of essential days when you were happy. Being happy is an i...