Let's Ditch the Old New Year Resolutions and Make Some Worthy Ones
Everyone gets excited for New Year's Eve and plans it with their friends and loved ones—many even set resolutions and goals they want to achieve in the coming year.
Planning for the New Year also includes setting common goals like hitting the gym and working on your physical health. While it is an excellent way to kickstart off the year and the new month, how many times have you sustained and worked towards your goals consistently?
Many of us fantasize about new goals for a few days until our self-sabotage kicks in, and we return to our old habits.
Isn't it true?
We then post our goals on our stories and let everyone know about them, seeking validation and appreciation for the goals set.
But instead of achieving those goals and making a strategy for getting close to our goals, we talk about them more often.
What's the point of only speaking and not taking inspired action?
Social Media: The New Enemy of Our Happiness
Remember how, decades back, the internet was a game changer for everyone? How did they think they could start a new revolution and now look at the current trends of Gen Z?
Today, the internet is filled with many apps meant to bring us closer to people but end up making our lives complicated and empty.
We always have our phones in our hands, yet we have the excuse of saying to someone that "we were busy."
For instance, do you recall the time when your parents were able to find the ideal partner for you? Even though you wouldn't exactly fall in love at first, life was secure and good, and family was always there to support you. It sounds charming. Today, however, it's like traversing a maze of dating apps to find true love.
Everyone is glued to their phones and acts desperate to meet their ideal or even friends instead of going out and meeting new people.
It's a constant dopamine rush as you scan through people's "perfect" trips, hiding the underlying challenges behind them. We become mired in the comparison trap, and our desire wanes like a lost tale amidst a barrage of news.
But enough is enough now! Today is the day you set realistic, life-changing resolutions that can make you strong, happy, powerful, and content.
So, let's dive into them now!
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