
26 lessons I learned in 26 years

I turned 26 a little less than a month ago. Like everyone else, I too get excited for my birthday every year (except the excitement decreases yearly because of that aging factor). Each year since COVID-19, I have become more aware and cautious of the things and events happening in my life. I always try to relate one thing to another because of my belief in LoA. This is why I am writing this blog post so that you can connect with it and learn something from it. Lets dive in... 1. People play their role and leave:  Everyone enters our life with a purpose, teaching us lessons and contributing to our growth before our journey naturally transitions. So, don't cry over who left because they played their role, and now you must move on to the next chapter of your life. 2. Things had to fall apart for the beautiful things to manifest:  Sometimes, life's disruptions clear space for new opportunities and growth, allowing beauty to emerge from the ashes of what once was. You can only grow...

Understanding Sunday Depression: Tips to Overcome the Sunday Blues

Sunday is often hailed as the day of rest and relaxation, a time to recharge before the start of a new week. However, for some individuals, it can be a day fraught with anxiety and sadness, commonly known as "Sunday depression" or "Sunday blues."  This phenomenon is characterized by a sense of gloom, anxiety, and a looming feeling of dread about the upcoming workweek.  This blog will explore the root causes of Sunday depression and provide practical tips to overcome it, ensuring a more positive and productive start to the week. So let's get started.. Understanding Sunday Depression Sunday depression is not a clinical term but rather a widely experienced emotional state that impacts a significant number of people. Several factors contribute to this feeling: 1. Transition Anxiety: Sundays signify transitioning from a leisurely weekend to a work-driven week, triggering anxiety about the responsibilities and challenges ahead. 2. Unfinished Tasks: If the weekend was...

How to rediscover yourself after losing your worth?

We frequently find ourselves in situations and relationships that make us feel unworthy or unimportant. These experiences can be like a tangled web, making us doubt ourselves and our worth.  We often encounter difficulties and make decisions that may gradually erode our self-esteem. But we must find the courage to break free from these negative influences and rediscover our true value and importance. It's about untangling ourselves from the things that hold us back and recognizing the worth that's always been inside us. It is easy to lose sight of our true essence as we prioritize others' happiness over our own. However, as the adage goes, "No one is worth losing yourself over."   In this empowering blog post, we will delve into the importance of self-discovery and self-love, understanding how to let go of toxic relationships, and embracing a renewed sense of worthiness. At some point in our lives, we may have experienced the challenge of preserving our self-worth...

How to make the most of your free time: Easy tips to follow

We all experience moments when we find ourselves with ample free time but are unsure how to make the most of it. Rather than letting it slip away, we can utilize this precious resource to engage in meaningful activities that enhance our well-being and personal growth. I am sure just like me, you also experience some alone time when you want to go outside but due to some reasons, you cannot. Or, there could be another circumstance when you want to avoid hanging out and enjoying your own accompany. But what activities can you do to make the most of your free time?  Well, we'll find that in this blog post! Tips to make the most of your free time Even though you might not enjoy social isolation, you might feel uneasy when bored. You may think, I have no friends or nobody has nothing to do with me. Today I have nothing on my plate. Why do I feel this way? Then there are the Millennials, who must constantly be online or engaged in activity. It can be a little unsettling for children to h...

5 ways repeating positive affirmations can change your life

Have you ever stopped to consider the power of your thoughts and beliefs? Our lives are significantly impacted by the thoughts and perceptions we have about ourselves and the world around us. Self-limiting ideas and negative thought patterns can prevent us from realizing our full potential and achieving the success and pleasure we want. But what if there was a straightforward yet effective instrument that might assist us in changing our perspective and effecting positive change? Positive affirmations! These empowering statements have the ability to reshape our thoughts, rewire our beliefs, and transform our lives. By consciously repeating positive affirmations, we can harness the power of our own words to cultivate a more positive and fulfilling existence. In this blog post, we'll look at five noteworthy ways that repeating positive affirmations can radically improve our lives.  We must remember that the power of positive affirmations comes from more than just the words they c...

5 things you must start doing now to enjoy your life to the fullest

It's essential to develop habits that improve our general well-being and provide us the opportunity to live life to the fullest if we want to be happy and fulfilled. We can open the way to a happier, more fulfilling life by implementing these five transformative practices into our daily lives.  Without further ado, let's dive into the habits that will empower you to embrace life's abundance. 1. Practice Gratitude:  Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform our perspective and enrich our lives. Start each day by acknowledging the things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as the warmth of sunlight on your face or the love of your family and friends. You can think back on the good things in your life and cultivate an attitude of thankfulness by keeping a gratitude journal. By shifting your focus to what you have, you'll experience increased contentment and joy. Related:  Benefits of gratitude one must read 2. Cultivate Mindfulness:  In our fast-p...

Follow these 4 easy steps to get rid of your overthinking

Do you often find yourself physically present somewhere but mentally somewhere else? This happens to many of us! Sometimes, even when we're with our friends and family or at work, if we feel upset, we might start thinking about things that happened before or worry about things that might happen in the future. This is called overthinking!  In simple words, it refers to when you are not aware of the present but are thinking of something else that causes your mind to worry, which first appears on your face and then in your behavior. But just like everything else, we can solve this issue too (only if we first know we are not fully present where we should be). Let's dive in deep! Why do we overthink? Overthinking is the act of thinking deeply and persistently about a topic or situation.  You struggle to get your thoughts to concentrate on anything else when you overthink. It is as if it consumes all your mind and hinders you from going somewhere else.  Contrary to popular beli...