Feeling Low? 5 Steps to Help You Feel Better

Being down in the dumps is a natural part of life, but when you’re feeling low, it can seem impossible to get out of that headspace. That’s why it’s essential to have the plan to help snap you out of your funk and remind yourself that things will get better.

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or not quite like yourself, here are five tips to help you turn things around and start feeling better. From getting active to find a hobby that makes you happy, these five steps can make a big difference in improving your outlook and helping you move forward with positivity.

feeling low? 5 steps to feel better

Steps to take when feeling low

1. Identify the Cause of Your Low Mood

The first step is to identify the cause of your low mood. Why are you feeling this way? Is it a difficult situation, a difficult relationship, or something more generic like stress or fatigue? Taking the time to try to understand what is causing your emotions can help you make sense of your feelings and determine how best to move forward.

Once you know why you are feeling this way, it will be much easier to come up with an appropriate plan for addressing your feelings. Do some self-reflection on your current environment and relationships—what do you need in order to feel better? Make sure that your plan is realistic and achievable so that you have a better chance of success in improving your mood.

2. Take Time to Connect With Yourself

When you're feeling low, it can be hard to take the time to connect with yourself. But it's in those moments that self-reflection and care are most important. Taking time for yourself allows you to focus on your thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way and reconnect with the parts of you that make you feel good.

Here are five simple steps to help you get started:

  1. Spend some time alone doing something that brings joy to your life - listening to music, reading a book, or taking a stroll outside.

  2. Practice mindfulness by exploring your thoughts in a non-judgmental way - take deep breaths and focus on the present moment.

  3. Try setting aside a few moments each day for positive self-talk - compliment yourself, appreciate your successes, and write down your goals for the day or week ahead.

  4. Make sure to check in with yourself regularly throughout the day - take a break when necessary, take a short nap if possible, drink water, or grab something healthy to eat regularly.

  5. As much as possible, practice self-care activities such as yoga or meditation - these can help ground you if feeling overwhelmed and anxious about future or past events.

3. Talk to Someone You Trust About Your Feelings

Getting the best advice for something like how to feel better can be hard, especially if you don't have a good support system in place. But it's important to reach out and open up to someone you trust about how you're feeling. Whether it's a close friend, a family member, or even a qualified mental health professional, having someone to talk to can make all the difference.

Even if you don't think talking will make much of a difference, research has proven that confiding in someone else can reduce stress and help ease feelings of depression and anxiety. And who knows? Maybe they'll have some insightful advice that will help you get back on your feet again.

4. Do Something That Makes You Feel Good

It's easy to talk yourself into a negative headspace, so it's important to take a step back and do something that makes you feel good. That could be anything from taking a bubble bath and listening to music, to taking a walk in the park and inhaling some fresh air. Anything that helps you break away from your negative thoughts is worth it!

But if you're struggling and don't know what will make you feel better, here are some activities that could help:

  • Writing: writing down your thoughts can be therapeutic. It can help you unpack the feelings of why you feel down.

  • Exercise: getting the blood flowing releases endorphins and makes you feel better.

  • Connect with someone: reach out to a friend or family member, or even an online support group. Knowing that someone cares and is willing to listen can make all the difference.

  • Trying something new (or revisiting something old): Whether it's painting or playing an instrument, doing something creative can boost your mood and get your mind off of things. Revisiting an activity or hobby that used to bring you joy can accomplish the same result!

No matter what you choose, do something for yourself—something that helps lift your spirits without harming yourself or anyone else, of course!

5. Make a List of Things You Are Thankful For

When you're feeling low, it can be hard to find joy in the world and it's easy to become overwhelmed with negative thoughts. A great way to shift your focus is by making a list of things you are thankful for; appreciating the positive moments in life will help to combat those low feelings.

So what types of things should you include on your list? Here are some ideas:

  • People in your life who bring you joy and support

  • Opportunities that have been presented to you

  • Your home, your job, or anything else that provides security

  • The adventures and experiences of daily life

  • A beautiful sunset or a fresh cup of coffee.

Even better, make sure to recognize the small victories—whether it’s finishing a project, mastering a new skill, or just getting out of bed each day—and give yourself credit for those accomplishments. Writing down the little joys makes them even more real!

Taking the time to recognize all that you are thankful for can be incredibly powerful and uplifting. Your list may even provide insight into what helps balance out the hard days: And don't forget that expressing gratitude often comes back in unexpected ways.


Everyone has bad days, but it’s important to remember that you can get through them. By following the five steps outlined here, you can move past your bad mood and start feeling better.

To know more about how to start your self-love journey, read this.

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