What Are The Reasons for Self Love -1

  What are the Reasons for self-love? 

             In the previous post, we have introduced ourselves to the concept of Self- love; which itself says- Love and learn who you are. Your only goal should be to fall back in love with yourself. 

"If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself." - M. Echart

Now, why is it important for us to do so?

Okay, first tell me why is it essential for us to have food? Or why do we need to have a proper sleep schedule of 7-9 hours? and why do we need to have an adequate amount of water intake daily?

We all know that these are the basic things a man requires. Right?
And besides that, physical exercise is a must to have a healthy and strong body. Just like we need food, water, sleep, clothes, and home as our basic amenity, in the same way, we require self-love. 
Self-love is the root of connecting us with our emotional, mental, spiritual, and religious levels.
Self-love makes us positive and when we are positive we attract positive things in our life. It is like a magnet attracting all the beautiful things in our life.


Self-love is more than just friends and family

In our teenage, we all have heard people pointing towards us that - "we should we this, we are meant to do this and so on".
In my opinion, we should do those things which satisfy our soul and give us happiness. No matter what your skin color is, or how tall you are, or how much money you possess, it is important to accept ourselves the way we are.

On the other hand, we may think we are fine with our family, friends, job, relations, and everything around us.
We are busy in our daily routine; some of us are working, doing 9-5 jobs, attending lectures, doing household chores, taking care of our children and this list goes on and on.

But wait, ask yourself- when was the last time you stopped for a while and ate your favorite ice-cream?
Or when did you went out with your friends to hang out?
And if you went with them, did you had your favorite meal or you just ate what everyone else ordered? Dis you actually enjoyed with them or felt bored and alone while everyone else was busy with themselves?
These little things make up a lot of space inside our mind causing us to doubt ourselves and may even disturb our mental health of which we are totally unaware.

 Find out if you are thrilled from inside or are you just pretending?

Perhaps 90% of us pretend to be happy either because we don't want our family to know about the pain from which we are dealing or the second reason might be we don't want anyone to call us weak.

Some of us surpass our emotions so tightly that when these emotions burst this leads to big problems like panic attacks or anxiety attacks, creating worse problems for us.

Also, there are empaths in this world who maintain balance.
 However, being an empath isn't always easy as you have to deal with your own struggle and also share the burden of stress with the whole world.

Moreover, you also have to deal with people who are against you.
Yes, there will be some people who won't like your actions and will try to throw all kinds of obstacles in your way hoping that you will fall down.

But the foremost thing is to stay positive and believe in The Universe.
You need to believe that the universe is always guiding us and is there for us.
Without trust and without belief it's very hard to allow the laws of attraction and the laws of the universe to actually work for you.
We just have to listen to our intuition and allow it to unfold where it is supposed to be.

We must understand that the Universe is always taking care of us by providing us home, food, shelter, clothes, family, healthy body and etc.

Why is it so hard to love ourselves?

By the norms of society, I will always be too female, too masculine, too short, too weird to be a normal human. I will always be in the need for external validation and love and acceptance.

Do you also feel the same? Do you also build your self-image from the feedback from others? 

But before you jump onto the train of self-love, you need to overcome the biggest hurdle of the false belief that self-love is hard to do.
Most people think it is easier to criticize and judge themselves while loving themselves is a tough task.

But we need to simplify the process of loving ourselves because hating is 10x worse than we think.
You need to start believing that it's an easier and enjoyable approach and you will feel more delightful when you will start practicing self-love day by day.

Here is a video of the famous motivational coach and award-winning story writer - Jay Shetty who has really helped me to get out of depression and has encouraged me to apply self-love in my life.

Do watch this video as I am very sure it's going to be helpful for everyone.


I hope this will help you to understand the importance of self-love and in the upcoming two posts, we will learn 10 Major Reasons to love ourselves.

Until then, Stay Happy. Stay Positive.


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