What Is Self Love?


    What Is Self-Love?


 Have you heard about this?

 Some of you might have heard this term but I'm pretty sure, most of us don't know the exact meaning of this word and even don't know how to implement self-love into our lives.

Whenever we hear someone talking about self-love, we mistake him/her for being a "narcissist", "egoistic" or "self-centered." We may even call them selfish as they prioritize their wants and needs over us.

Hence we start believing that if we will impose self-love, or if we will talk about this terminology people would start calling us selfish.

 So to remain in the good books of others we start being kind towards them and appreciating them more and thus, start forgetting about our self.

Nobody is saying to be unkind towards others or do not help them. Of course, we should be generous. We should help them in their tough times because that's what humanity says.

But we should also be generous towards ourselves.

 When you love someone else, you love them truly, purely, and take care of their needs, like a mother takes care of her children.
In the same way, self-love applies!

The problem is we never considered it important to love ourselves. We never realized our worth and what defines us.

Here is an inspiring Ted talk by Caitlyn Roux, listen to what she is saying and start applying it in your life:

Self-love says being good towards oneself, accepting yourself, loving yourself, irrespective of others.
It is a feeling of respecting your emotions and your worth.
Remember when you were a child you used to talk with yourself in the mirror for so many hours?
When you came to your teenage, you went to look in the mirror to talk to yourself, you found some of your features are not good enough which created self-rejection among yourself.
When this rejection appeared of not liking our own features, we should have immediately stopped them.
However, we were not mature enough to find out the difference between right and wrong.
And as we grew, this rejection and fear overcame all our talents, skills, confidence and made us introvert person who doesn't accept himself completely.

There are many of us who don't like themselves and like others and want to become like them. Like a teenager who wants to become like kylie Jenner or Ariana grande. Why?
Because they see those celebrities performing on a stage or social media with a face full of makeup and they interpret that those celebrities are so perfect, their life is so complete.
In that case, these young children make certain mistakes.

Mistakes people commonly do:

  • Comparing ourselves to others and being jealous of others who are doing well. Instead of getting inspired and learn from them, we create self-doubt and thus lose our time and confidence.
  • When we find someone attractive, we automatically slide towards them, and then we start doing all of the things that make them happy and in this process, we forget to take care of ourselves, which should initially be our priority. 
  • We make them our priority and start taking care of their needs, their happiness, their desires. And then when we do things for them, we expect the same in return (it's human nature of course).
  • We treat ourselves as if we are toxic and start doing everything which brings only negativity in our lives. However, by treating ourselves in this way, we don't realize that we are digging pits for ourselves.
And this is where we lose ourselves. 

Often times, we don't understand this subject of loving ourselves. Expecting from others to love you, when you are not loving yourself is the worst kind of expectation you can make from someone.

The most prominent law, the Law of Attraction says that what you have inside, you will give to others. If you have love inside yourself, you will give as well as get love from others and vice-versa. 

  • We mistake self-love for freedom. We think of doing all the things that we like the most. Don't we often say who are people to tell me what to do? I will do whatever I want.
This is completely wrong! 
Self-love never says do drugs, harm yourself, disturb your family. 

It's about choosing the right path for yourself. It's about being focused so you can achieve your goals.
We all know what are the right things for us to become happy and successful. 

Nevertheless, we end up choosing a wrong path which ultimately creates sufferings for us and we spend all our life cursing our destiny and complaining to God. When the reality is only we are responsible for the happenings in our life.

Self-love is actually self-discipline, caring for yourself, doing the right things.

If a person is smoking cigarettes because he gets pleasures from it, then he does not love himself because he is enjoying its pleasures, but not loving his body.

I hope this clears the above point!

It's so very important to take care of ourselves, to love ourselves.
I know some of you will say I am just putting down some textbook lines when in reality it is not possible to do so.

But my dear, it is possible. In fact, this is so easy. It doesn't require many efforts, only some care, and choosing ourselves our priority.
Its more than looking yourself in the mirror and taking a selfie. It's more than doing the basic tasks of eating the food and brushing our teeth.

In the coming posts, we will learn more about this term and other terms which if we would apply in our lives, then we can really transform our lives.


Also, I would like to say, I am not a professional coach or therapist and I will not give any medical or textbook advice.

I will share what I have done and doing to transform myself.

Change never happens in a day or two, it only happens when we have a determination to improve our lives.

Till then, stay tuned.

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  1. 🤩🤩
    So proud of you❤
    Stay strong always🥰😘

    1. Thankyou so much ! wish the best for you too ! :)

  2. Inspiring ❤keep going the good work😊

  3. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. Good Going☺️

    1. Thanks a lot ! stay tuned for more inspiring articles....

  4. Fabulous. Love the way you describe about self love❤ keep it up👍🏻
